Wyckoff’s most recent repeat photography takes across Arizona. Riding Shotgun is a beautifully composed and enlightening book that turns the lens on the photographer. Wyckoff follows the eye of Norman Wallace, a federal highway engineer and professional landscape photographer, around Arizona. Riding Shotgun makes the repeat photography deeply personal and has been of great value to Two-Mississippi. Wyckoff describes that connection in his first chapter: “…my adventures in Arizona became wedded to Wallace’s. My perfect day became standing where he stood and peering into my Canon viewfinder, often perched on unstable slopes and grabbing at saguaros for support … I knew what that simple positional truth proclaimed: that I stood within a foot or two of where Norman had stood seventy-eight years earlier; that in a small but visceral way I shared a part of his day, a view, an idea for a picture of this place …”